Wednesday, April 27, 2016

One Flipper In The Grave

Still awaiting news on whether ABC will either cancel or renew THE MUPPETS.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Sigmund Floyd

Analyze this.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Salem News: Pipeline's End

The Kinder Morgan pipeline project that's been causing such an uproar in the North Shore has been indefintely suspended. Kinder -Morgan is claiming that the sole reason for stopping the project was that fossil fuels would no longer be "viably feasible'' but I'm sure that the constant public outrage and resistance had a lot to do with it. My cartoon from the 04/25/2016 SALEM NEWS.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Myth-Information: The Lost Issue

Some time ago, I posted a lot of art I did for the MYTH ADVENTURES (from the novels by the late Robert Asprin) fan club zine, MYTH INFORMATION. Going thru the vast piles of junk that passes for a filing system, I ran across this issue which I thought I had lost. In a way, this is the most special issue I had contributed to, for it was double-sized, and Brin and Kevin let me have several pages doing fan-based art of the recently-published MYTH-NOMERS and IM-PERVECTIONS. Here is all my art from that issue in its (technincal) glory. (Text segments were written by the lovely "Ms. Mythfit", Brin-Marie Landerman) This is also the issue that finally got me interested enough to finally start attending conventions, which brang a lot of needed happiness into my life.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Salem News: Paying the Piper

Not only will many North Shore ratepayers might have a unwanted pipeline forced thru their properties, they may have to PAY for it as well. My cartoon from the 04/16/2016 SALEM NEWS.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Alfred E. Neuman

Somehow it's not very likely you'll be working for MAD Magazine when you try drawing Alfred E. Neuman and end up with Peter Lorre. I just hope I don't end up giving anyone nightmares.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Salem News: Barbara Anderson; RIP

Barbara Anderson, Chairwoman of Citizens for Limited Taxation, and one of Massachusetts' most vocal and influential advocates towards reining in state government spending, passed away this past Friday. (My cartoon from the 04/13/2016 SALEM NEWS)

Monday, April 11, 2016

Spinach Pizza

Pop culture mashup aside, it's not as though Popeye doesn't seem like a mutant in the FIRST place.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Salem News: Peabody Solar Farm

Peabody, MA is setting up a solar farm in an attempt to go greener , but the prospect of the Kinder-Morgan pipeline project forcing itself thru that and other cities still looms. My cartoon as published in the 04/06/2016 SALEM NEWS.

Monday, April 4, 2016


Anyone familiar with the first season of NBC's SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE should get this. Maybe.

Salem News: The Scarlet Letter

Modern nod towards the classics, and sadly, life imitates art. My cartoon originally published in the SALEM NEWS 04/04/2016.

Friday, April 1, 2016


TOUGHPIGS, the major Muppet fansite I do art for, did an April Fool's day promotion in which the website was turned into a parody promotional piece about UP LATE WITH MISS PIGGY, the show-within-a-show featured on ABC's THE MUPPETS. Several members contributed articles, and I came up with this new artwork:
This is the original drawing for the logo. I did have to shrink things down a bit as well as get rid of the background due to space issues for the final version, but except for the font graphics that Joe Hennes added  (based on the show's UP LATE logo) This is pretty much how it appeared.

I also had to come up with several new icons for the sidebar categories. The images had to be heavily reduced for the site, but these files give you a better idea of how they looked in their original size. I had to keep the designs and colors a bit simpler than I usually do due to the reductions.

The Best To You Each Morning

Part of an unbalanced breakfast.

Salem News: Traffic Drones

My cartoon from the 04/01/2016 SALEM NEWS.