Saturday, August 31, 2013


  The Muppets were originally a part of NBC'S SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE  via a series called THE LAND OF GORCH. You can get a more detailed look at the series via YOUTUBE and MUPPET WIKI, but for here, these are my takes on the characters. In order, King Ploobis, Scred, The Mighty Favog,  Vazh, Queen Petula, Vizz, and Scred with Lily Tomlin.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Salem News: Double Solution

 Two situations: A billboard a city can't get rid of and the concern over "access and location" of medicinal marijuana dispensaries. That led to THIS little gem. My cartoon for the 08/30/2013 SALEM NEWS.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Salem News: Spraying Problems

 Concerns over mosquitoes carrying West Nile Virus has led to spraying around Salem neighborhoods, but there are some after effects. My cartoon for the 08/29/2013 SALEM NEWS.

Death Be Proud

 Can't sleep, Don't have to work in the morning, might as well draw something.
Here's Phil Foglio's BANGLADESH DuPREE from the webcomic GIRL GENIUS.
Still can't sleep.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Happy 100th Birthday Walt Kelly!

 Today would have been the 100th birthday of one of the greatest cartoonists of all time.. WALT KELLY! The art below was actually drawn several years back for CBG, but to my memory, never used. I only apologize that the art isn't up to Kelly standard, but then again, NO ONE could draw like Kelly. He was the unmatched master of the inkbrush. And considering the political climate of the world today, if he were still alive and drawing, he would have had a field day! (present comic strip sizes nonwithstanding)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ramblin' Rivets

Nothing really constructive tonight. Drew this pic of THE RAMBLIN' RIVETS from the old, forgotten BAILEY'S COMETS tv series.

Monday, August 12, 2013

You Eediot!

 Another attempt that didn't pan out- back in the early days of REN & STIMPY (the John K. period) Nickelodeon and Spumco ran a full- page ad that appeared in the COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE looking for artists. I sent some art samples including these special pieces To show how I drew the characters.
Well, I tried....

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Salem News: Smart Move

 The efficiency of the new "smart" parking meters do not impress some people in Salem to the point that Mayor Driscoll is forced to compromise.
 My cartoon for the 08/08/2013 SALEM NEWS.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Whose Line Is It Anyway

  Unburied another old favorite. This FRAGGLE ROCK piece is strictly old-school, handcolored with pro markers instead of on the Studio pro system I've been using. I'm considering titling it "Whose Line Is It Anyways?'

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Salem News: Downtown Peabody

The finish of major construction leaves downtown Peabody a degree. My cartoon for the 08/06/2013 SALEM NEWS.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Keith Lockhart

Caricature of BOSTON POPS conductor Keith Lockhart.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Salem News: Heritage Days

 The annual summer tradition of "Heritage Days"in Salem begins. A week of history, shows, and hopefully lots of tourist dollars. (This cartoon originally published 08/03/2013 in the SALEM NEWS)