This strip appeared in COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE# 1678,which, incidentally, marks the magazine's 40th anniversary. The Guise started off as a zine called THE BUYER'S GUIDE TO COMICS FANDOM produced by Alan Light and was soon taken over by contributors Don and Maggie Thompson. Since then, CBG has gone thru many an incarnation and evolution, thru a weekly newspaper-size to a weekly tabloid-size and finally to its current monthly magazine format, outlasting many other comics-themed publications that sprang up over the years. Part of that evolution was taking me and my strip on around its twenty-year point. A move I'm sure they've regretted more than once, (but it's nice to know SOMEONE has the guts to print my stuff!)
Happy fortieth, CBG, and may you go for 40 more! (I need the exposure!)